A-Z of data protection - O is for ...


A-Z of data protection: terms you need to know


OECD Artificial Intelligence Principles (OECD AI Principles)
• the first intergovernmental standard on artificial intelligence (AI), adopted by several countries in May 2019, which promotes the use of AI that is innovative and trustworthy, while still respecting human rights and democratic values.
the OECD AI principles are 1) inclusive growth, sustainable development, and well-being, 2) human-centred values and fairness, 3) transparency and explainability, 4) robustness, security, and safety, and 5) accountability
*OECD - Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development

online behavioural advertising (OBA)
• advertising that is based on a user’s internet browsing behaviour, which allows the delivery of targeted and personalised ads that are geared towards an individual’s unique interests
OBA involves the tracking of a user’s search terms and search activity, browser profiles, online and offline activity, location data, and many more

Open Compliance and Ethics Group (OCEG)
a nonprofit think tank which created GRC and the GRC Capability Model as the means to achieve Principled Performance. It provides resources, standards, and certifications in GRC, with over 120,000 members in more than 180 countries

opt-in consent / explicit consent
a type of consent wherein an individual directly expresses his decision to agree or disagree with the collection of his personal data
a type of consent where the default selection implies that no consent is given.

opt-out consent
a type of consent where the default selection implies that the user gives his consent, or where failure to decline implies that consent has been given

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